
Honni Hayton Counselling – Winner Scenic Rim Regional Council Excellence in Business Awards 2023 – Professional Services.

by | Feb 2, 2024 | Articles, Counselling

Winning the Scenic Rim Excellence in Business Awards Professional Services category last year left me both surprised and deeply grateful. This unexpected recognition underscores Honni Hayton Counselling’s commitment to mental health and the positive impact made within the local community over the past five years.

Reflecting on the Transformative Journey

Reflecting on the transformative journey from the inception of Honni Hayton Counselling to this moment, winning the award feels like a proud acknowledgment of the progress made. It began as a vision to provide a safe space for individuals, couples, and businesses in the Scenic Rim, evolving into a powerful force for mental health advocacy and support.

Innovative Courses: Empowering You and Marriage Preparation

A particular source of pride is the innovation brought to the field through the development of two impactful courses: the “Empowering You Program” and the “Marriage Preparation Course.” The Empowering You program helps women achieve a healthy work-life balance, preventing burnout and empowering them to navigate life’s challenges. The Marriage Preparation Course is a comprehensive guide for couples preparing to embark on the journey of marriage, fostering a strong foundation for a thriving partnership.

Spotlight on Mental Health

Beyond the surprise and pride, winning this award shines a spotlight on mental health—a subject that often carries unnecessary stigma. This recognition is a testament to the importance of addressing mental well-being openly, encouraging those hesitant to seek support.

Community Impact

The impact on the Scenic Rim community has always been at the core of Honni Hayton Counselling. From assisting individuals in overcoming personal challenges to guiding businesses through mindset hurdles, the award validates the positive influence on the community’s mental health landscape.

Breaking Down Barriers

More than an award, this acknowledgment contributes to breaking down barriers surrounding mental health discussions. It communicates that seeking support is a courageous step toward growth and resilience, not a sign of weakness. The recognition fuels the ongoing mission to normalize conversations about mental health.

A Beacon for Others

Being acknowledged as an industry leader in Professional Services isn’t just a personal accomplishment—it’s a responsibility to be a beacon for others. This win inspires current and future clients and fellow professionals in the mental health space, underscoring the significance of continual excellence and community impact.

Looking Ahead

As the celebration continues, the focus shifts to the future. The award serves not just as a laurel to rest upon but as a catalyst for continued growth and innovation. The vision for Honni Hayton Counselling includes expanding services, reaching more individuals and businesses, and actively participating in initiatives contributing to the Scenic Rim’s overall well-being.

Valuable Lessons Learned: A Five-Year Reflection

Excellence in Business Awards marks a significant milestone in the five-year journey of Honni Hayton Counselling. Reflecting on this accomplishment, I find it important to share not just the success but also valuable lessons learned during the process.

  1. Never Give Up

The most pivotal lesson learned over the years is the power of persistence. Establishing a counseling practice comes with its share of challenges, but resilience and an unwavering commitment to the vision have been fundamental. The moments of doubt and setbacks only fueled the determination to never give up on the mission to provide accessible and specialized mental health support to the Scenic Rim community.

  1. Reach Out for Help

The journey highlighted the importance of seeking support when needed. Whether navigating the complexities of starting a business or facing the unique challenges of the counseling profession, reaching out for guidance proved invaluable. Building a network of mentors, peers, and professionals has provided insights, encouragement, and a sense of community.

  1. Self-Care Matters

In the midst of supporting others, prioritizing self-care emerged as a non-negotiable lesson. Recognizing the significance of maintaining personal well-being has not only sustained my ability to provide quality counseling but has also set an example for clients. The journey reinforced that only by caring for oneself can one effectively care for others.

  1. Have Goals but Be Flexible

Setting ambitious yet flexible goals has been a key strategy. The ability to adapt to unforeseen circumstances and adjust goals based on evolving priorities is crucial in the dynamic landscape of mental health and business. This flexibility ensures that the practice remains responsive to the changing needs of the community.

  1. Celebrate Wins, Big and Small

Celebrating victories, regardless of their size, is an essential aspect of the journey. Whether it’s a client’s breakthrough, the development of innovative courses, or the recognition from the Scenic Rim Excellence in Business Awards, acknowledging these successes fuels motivation and reinforces the positive impact made.

  1. Connect with Like-Minded People

Building connections with like-minded individuals and professionals has been a source of inspiration and support. Engaging with the community, connecting with fellow mental health advocates, and collaborating with local businesses have enriched the journey. These connections not only contribute to personal and professional growth but also amplify the positive impact on the local community.

Conclusion: A Future Marked by Excellence and Growth

Celebrating this award isn’t just an acknowledgment of achievement; it’s an opportunity to share the wisdom gained along the way. The journey of Honni Hayton Counselling has been shaped by resilience, collaboration, and a commitment to growth. As the practice looks ahead, these lessons will continue to guide its evolution, ensuring a future marked by excellence, innovation, and positive community impact. Read more about the counselling services Honni provides here.

If you would like to work with me, please send me a message today, let’s connect.

Honni Hayton Counsellor

About Honni Hayton

A qualified, practicing counsellor, Honni Hayton has been helping people live their best life for over 20 years. She specialises in providing women’s counselling services, both in person and online. She also provides relationship counselling to help couples find happiness again.