In our busy, modern world, many women are feeling more stressed and exhausted, and parental burnout is a real possibility. Read here for 6 tips on how to start to care for yourself to avoid it.
Managing Grief and Loss During Coronavirus.
With the coronavirus crisis we are experiencing grief and loss on a personal and global scale. Grief is not something we cure, but rather we work through. Read my blog on what grief is and how to honour it.
Holistic Counselling – Julie’s Story
Julie found hope and healing after moving on from a breakup. Find out how self-care helped Julie find herself again after her marriage broke down.
5 Important S.T.E.P.S. to Self Care
Self Care is more than a bubble bath! It’s caring for yourself in ALL areas of your life. When you do you will be a happier, healthier version of yourself.
What are Boundaries and why are they Important?
Personal boundaries are the rules and guidelines we set up which determine how we are treated in relationships.
Self-Care is NOT Selfish!
Self Care is NOT selfish! In fact it is essential to enjoy life and avoid burn out.
What I’ve Learned about Women’s Unhappiness
For the last 30 years women’s happiness has been on a steady decline. Here’s why.